COVID 19 and Our Schools - Woefully Unprepared
By now most of us, if not all, have been acting in place of our schools teachers. They have supplied our kids with hundreds of pages of copies textbook units, unit tests, unit reviews, unit vocabulary...where are our teachers? and why are they so woefully prepared for such a predicament. Our nations private schools, colleges and corporations have made the switch to working from home fairly easily. The technology is here, its on our phones through facetime, its on our PC's as SKYPE, ZOOM, Cisco-webex, and our schools have spent millions on Smart boards, google classroom etc. etc.. Why have our schools been caught so off guard in their apparent inability to SKYPE, ZOOM, or GOOGLE CLASSROOM their lesson Plans? Why cant teachers, teach class from their classroom (while adhering to our social distancing requirements and reach every student in his or her classroom via any one of these methods discussed above. Why are schools so woefully unprepared to deal with our new reality - and why is structured instruction so impossible these days? - The answer is clear - There is no excuse for these failures. People need to start demanding same - particularly in light of our recent dilemma and its outlook which seems inevitable that our kids will not be returning to school this school year. The failure of our schools to provide such instruction will have lasting ramifications to our children's education that will last not only through this school year but will impact many for the entirety of their education